St Mary’s Church, Luton LU1 3JF

A programme tracing the connections between Vaughan Williams and the folk tradition that so inspired him. Eight superb musicians offer traditional songs alongside art music for string quartet, including the Phantasy Quintet and Five Variants on Dives and Lazarus. Dance students from Luton Sixth Form College will also perform.
Roots and Branches
Bushes and Briars
Green to Gold
The Trees They Do Grow High
The Turtle Dove
String Quartet in G minor: 4th movement
Prickle-Eye Bush
Excerpts from Five Variants of Dives and Lazarus
The Unquiet Grave
John Barleycorn A Hero Bold
Picardy Revisited and Bourbon Reel
Ot Moor
Phantasy Quintet
Polly Vaughan
Green to Gold and CODA
Moonrakers Celtic Music
Jon Bennett (guitar, bouzouki, whistles, ukulele, vocals)
Becki Luff (harps, vocals)
Jacqui Johnson (cello, vocals, harmonium)
Sarah Fell (vocals, cajon)
Kate Bailey (violin)
Louise Graham (violin)
Heather Birt (viola)
Spike Wilson (cello)
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