We end the season with the unique talents of Kosmos. The chief music critic of The Times, Richard Morrison, has described them with these words:
‘..telepathic rapport, dazzling virtuosity, serious scholarship, intellectual curiosity and impeccable musicianship. I defy you not to be mesmerised.’
The members of Kosmos have travelled extensively, performing with musicians all over the world, as well as within the broad multiculturalism of London’s music scene. They have collectively studied music from North Africa, the Middle East, Jewish, Balkan and Gypsy music, Argentine tango, flamenco, Celtic and jazz traditions as well as contemporary classical music. They combine all their knowledge with a respect for their own Western classical music training, performing freely with panache, innovation and creativity, incorporating improvisation into their own unique arrangements and compositions. With such pluralist refinement their approach is an embodiment of cross-cultural fusion and as such will be a perfect final exploration of our season’s theme of The Relationship between Literature, Art & Music.
As the season ends there will be an air of general celebration for another year of remarkable musical achievement. It may well involve mince pies and mulled wine – everyone will be most welcome.
Richard Sisson (Chair of Luton Music)

Programme to be announced
Harriet MacKenzie (violin)
Meg Hamilton (viola)
Miloš Milivojević (accordion)
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